Established in 2008, CustomSmart Homes/CustomSmart Solar is a licensed general contractor located in Upper Northeast Tennessee. CustomSmart specializes in building custom homes utilizing energy efficient design, state-of-the-art building systems & materials, and Renewable Energy (Solar PV), to provide our clients comfortable, sustainable and affordable living. CustomSmart’s in-house Solar PV sales, design, and installation services are available for new and existing residential and commercial properties. Using its full service Solar PV capabilities, CustomSmart has helped many families in East Tennessee achieve the coveted “Net Zero” or “Nearly Zero” energy balance with their property.

In 2017, William Lizzio, Sr., President of CustomSmart Homes earned the solar industry’s leading recognition of installation expertise from the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP®), and is now a NABCEP Certified PV Installation Professional TM. NABCEP is the most highly respected and well established national certification organization for renewable energy professionals. Designation as a NABCEP PV Installation Professional is widely recognized to be the most important and meaningful certification of its kind in the solar industry.

Our Operating Philosophy Is Simple!

  • Honor God in word, action, and deed.
  • Exceed our clients’ expectations.
  • Practice good stewardship with:
    • Natural Resources
    • Material Supplies
    • Manpower
    • Money
  • Serve with excellence.
  • Continually improve.
  • Embrace new technologies that will help achieve our clients’ goals.